Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Vision

Video Testimonial: A Mom Talks About Her Son’s Vision and His Problems In School

This is a story of how an eye exam can actually change the course of a child’s life.

Jennifer is a loving mother of an 5 year old little boy. Her son is absolutely adorable and a really good child yet, in school he was being labeled a “difficult / problem child” and a “disturbance in the classroom”. He often did not want to pay attention in school, frequently “acted out” and even threw his books. He just did not seem to be interested in reading or learning – at ALL.

As a mother, she knew that this behavior in school seemed a bit odd and out of character for the sweet, loving boy that she knew her son to be at home. The comments from the school really alarmed Jennifer that something was definitely wrong.

Her young son had passed his Pediatrician’s vision screening, AS WELL AS the school vision screening but, acting on motherly instinct – she ignored the comments that “his vision is fine” and took him to see the Optometrist, Dr Dawn Bearden, for a routine eye exam.

During the routine eye examinationDr Bearden discovered that Jennifer’s son was able to read the eye chart with just a little bit of blur but, he needed eyeglasses to correct the strain that he was feeling while reading. Once the strain was relieved from wearing the glasses full time…the child suddenly became more attentive in school and began reading ALL THE TIME.

Actually, he loved reading SO MUCH that he won an award from his kindergarten teacher for reading!! He even received an award from the school’s Principal for “Most Improved Reader”…he actually read 26 books within 30 days. WOW!!

Jennifer is now a HUGE advocate to have children get eye exams from an eye doctor and for parents NOT to be lulled into complacency by their child passing a vision screening. Her child could have gone through life in the classroom being labeled a “problem” and a “disturbance” simply because he could not see well and his eyes were being strained in school.

Jennifer states the following in her video:

No matter how well a parent THINKS their child sees well or if a child is labeled a “problem” in the classroom because he does not pay attention…it may just be because he can’t see well.

The eye exam has made a HUGE difference and my son has excelled, he is doing wonderful and his behavior is like “night and day”!

“I’m a big ADVOCATE…get your child checked by a (eye care) professional!!”

Dr Bearden can be reached at Fort Lauderdale Eye Care and Eyewear

954-763-2842 or online at www.FLEyecareEyewear.com

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Emergency and Urgent Eye Care for Red Eyes and Eye Injuries Now Available at Fort Lauderdale Eye Care and Eyewear


Dr Dawn Bearden  is our Optometrist at Fort Lauderdale Eye Care and Eyewear  and she is highly skilled at handling emergency eye care and urgent eye conditions.  If you are having an urgent eye concern – please call our office at 954-763-2842 ASAP.

Often patients will come in with a RED EYE.  Red, irritated eyes, although can all look the same, they can be caused by a number of conditions.

One common condition is “pinkeye” which is conjunctivitis.  Conjunctivitis is an eye infection and it is usually highly contagious.  Often it can be caused by being in close contact with another person who has pink eye OR if the patient who has the conjuncitivitis has been recently sick with a cold or the flu.  Dr Bearden usually will prescribe antibiotic eye drops and also tell the patient to use artificial tears or eye lubricants often.  The patient must also use good “eye hygeine” and not touch their eyes, do not share pillows, face towels  or make-up and they must wash their hands often to help prevent the spread of conjuncivitis to others.


Another cause of a red eye can happen when someone gets something in the eye (acually ON the eye or UNDER the lid), if someone gets a chemical into their eye or something scratches the eye.  This causes a corneal abrasion.  This can often occur when doing yard work, when at the beach on a windy day, someone may scratch their eye with a fingernail or eye make-up etc.  If there is something in the eye, Dr Bearden will find it and remove it and then treat the corneal abrasion with antibiotic eye drops and eye lubrication so the eye does not get infected.  Often the Doctor will use an orange dye in the eye to check for corneal abrasions.  If the cornea is scratched – it will glow bright green in the area of the abrasion (see above photo) when she shines a special blue light into the eye.  If you get a chemical into your eye – wash out the eye with eye wash or water for at least 15-30 minutes (AS LONG AS YOU CAN!!) until you can get in to see the Doctor ASAP!!!

One other cause of red eye is eye inflammation – called uveitis or iritis.  Even though this looks like pinkeye, this is NOT infectious.  It is usually caused by inflammation INSIDE of the eye.  The patient is usually very light sensitive and they report a lot of eye pain even in minimal amounts of light.  Many times eye inflammation can occur in systemic conditions like:

  • Autoimmune disorders, such as Arthritis, Psoriasis, Behcet’s disease, sarcoidosis or ankylosing spondylitis
  • Inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Infections such as cat-scratch disease, herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, lyme disease or West Nile virus
  • Eye injury
  • Certain cancers, such as lymphoma, that can directly or indirectly affect the eye

Dr Bearden would treat the uveitis with several types of eye drops to calm the inflammation and decrease the eye pain.  If this eye inflammation has occured more than once – then she would have to investigate to see if there is any underlying systemic problem like those listed above that the patient may be unaware of.  Severe uveitis may have complications like glaucoma or cataracts so this would need to be managed also.


Another cause of red, painful eye can be a corneal ulcer.  These are often seen in patients who wear contact lenses.  Dr Bearden sees this A LOT in patients who sleep in their contact lenses and overwear their contact lenses (ex: keeping a two week disposable contact lens for 3,4,6,8 weeks or more).  Corneal ulcers can cause scarring of the front of the eye called the cornea.  If the ulcer is in the center of the cornea – a cornea scar in this area can cause permenant vision blur.  These corneal ulcers must be treated immediately and very aggressively – usually Dr Bearden will prescribe a very strong antibiotic eye drop and have the patient use this every 15-30 minutes!  She will also see these patients every day for follow up until the ulcer is under control and not vision threatening.


Another common cause of red eye is a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage.  It is just caused by a bursted blood vessel.   When broken, these vessels bleed and spread out underneath the conjunctiva. Subconjunctival hemorrhage can be caused by sneezing, coughing, straining, vomiting, trauma, high blood pressure, diabetes and sometimes from certain blood disorders or in patients taking blood thinners (like Coumadin or Plavix) or aspirin.  Usually these will just resolve on their own in a few days to a few weeks – depending on how large they are.   Some investigation must be done into possbile systemic causes like a blood disorder, high blood pressure etc.

There are lots of other causes of red eye – including angle closure glaucoma (which is a is a serious medical emergency that must be treated immediately. This serious type of glaucoma causes painful redness that usually occurs in one eye.  Other non urgent causes of red eye can include: blepharitis, frequent use of “eye whitening” eyedrops (Like Visine, Murine, etc), dry eye and more.

If you have a red eye – it can be caused by a variety of different reasons – all of which require different treatments.  Call our office immediately if you develop any type of red eye or eye pain 954-763-2842.

Another eye emergency is retinal detachment or retinal tear.  These can often cause no symptoms and are frequently caught during a routine dilated eye exam.  So this is why it is important to get an ANNUAL eye exam – even if you do not need glasses!!  Sometimes patients DO get symptoms from a retinal detachment like flashes of light, floating spots or a “curtain” coming up or down over the vision.  Retinal detachments can be vision threatening so, if you ever have any of these symptoms – please call our office IMMEDIATELY  at 954-763-2842.


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